Ongoing Weight Loss Success

Sharing is caring!

I’ve just heard from one of the winter weight reduction class students.

She’s having great success amazing successhappy success!

For the first time in her adult life she has been shedding weight rather than gaining weight. She has her emotions under control and she feels good.

As of this week she is down 44 pounds.

That’s 44 pounds in under 4 months.

She never thought it could be so easy. When asked does hypnosis work for weight loss, she responds with a resounding YES.

She is now too small for her skinny clothes and is planning her new wardrobe from the “normal” size department. Whooeee!!!!! You go girl!!!!!

Sharing is caring!

Jo Moon


  1. Kelley Balun on December 30, 2011 at 1:12 am

    interested in weight loss

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