The American Cancer Association has a book titled: A Breast Cancer Journey (2006) which is a very good guide for women who need to make important health care choices once they have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Besides page after page of treatment guidlines for patients provided by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, the book has wonderful section on “How Complimentary Methods Can Enhance Your Life.”
Although many physicians don’t discuss complimentary methods of care, it is a know fact that most cancer patients seek out and use many methods to assist them in moving through their cancer journey. On page 142 the authors discuss Hypnosis.
“Hypnosis is an effective tool for reducing blood pressure, pain, stress, nausea, vomiting, phobias, and aversions to certain cancer treatments.”
I have seen first hand over the years how hypnosis has assisted so many cancer patients to gain control over their emotions, physical symptoms, and their behavior. It can ease the stress of the diagnosis, assist patients in remaining calm when faced with future procedures and medical appointments, and be assistive in helping patients to focus on their own inner healing power.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and because of wonderful organizations like the Susan B. Komen For the Cure and Livestrong, Breast Cancer is in the news. People around the nation are gathering to find new ways to beat this desease.
I do my part by volunteering hypnosis services to local women facing and experiencing this miserable disease. Let me know, if I can be of service to you or someone you know.