Spring 2010 Self-Hypnosis Workshops
Achieve your goals!
SELF-HYPNOSIS WORKSHOPS – Learn how to easily enter a state of self hypnosis and use the power of your subconscious mind to affect your mental and physical wellbeing. Classes at OTC.
Read MoreHypnosis is Being Used to Help Kids Get Through Their Cancer Treatments
This morning I came across a FOX news report regarding a young boy, Anthony, who has been using hypnosis to get through his cancer treatment since being diagnosed with a brain tumor. This young man was suffering PTSD and insomnia as a result of his treatment. Anthony’s doctor utilized hypnosis, which is approved by the…
Read MoreFear of Test Taking Transformed thru Hypnosis
Have you ever prepared for a test but found your heart racing and your palms getting sweaty even just thinking about it? For some, this starts in childhood and for others the pressure of having to make the grade whacks them up the side of the head as they age. Fear of the scrutiny of one’s own abilities…
Read MoreEnter and Maintain the Leisure Mindset during your Staycation
There’s that new word we are hearing a lot this summer – staycation. What exactly is a staycation? The word has been around for at least five years according to Where a vacation is based on the idea of getting away – vacating, a staycation is based on the concept of staying – not getting…
Read MoreWeight Loss Hypnosis in Springfield, MO
Is losing weight your achilles heel with beach days so near? Has your doctor told you to diet or die? Need to increase your exercise motivation? Want to cut your dependence on soft drinks and sweets? Hypnosis is a safe, natural and effective way to easily release excess weight. Jo Moon, CHt. offers…
Read MoreUsing Hypnosis for Hernia Surgery
Recently I worked with a gentleman in his late sixties who was entering the hospital for an outpatient hernia surgery. He was nervous about the surgery as he is the type of person who has a negative opinion regarding conventional medicine and anything having to do with hospitals. In fact, he had been delaying the…
Read MoreUsing Hypnotism Hypnotherapy for Cancer Care
Today I want to say a few things about the use of hypnosis for people facing cancer. First – it helps. I know it helps because I am a cancer survivor and the use of hypnotherapy changed the way I experienced cancer. To begin, hypnosis is commonly used to assist people in removing fears…
Hypno-Beginning® for Safe Comfortable Childbirth According to a 1990 study in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, women using self-hypnosis for childbirth have shorter labors, use less medication, experience less pain, and have babies with higher Apgar scores. Childbirth is no longer as your mother described it. It isn’t the…
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